Saturday, February 5, 2011

How come i saw a different alternate ending on Paranormal Activity?

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by lintmachine

Question by Maddie: How come i saw a different alternate ending on Paranormal Activity?

On dvd, i saw how at the end, katie kills micah and then hurls him at the camera. then i watched the alternate ending and all it showed was katie cutting her throat and then dies. my friends say they saw her rocking by her bed and then the police come?

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Answer by Nikki Nickel$
when they played that movie across the nation they played a different ending for each theatre and apparently there are 4 different endings. the original which is the hurling to the camera, then the cutting of the throat, the one you friend mentioned when katie kills micah and then rocks back and forth by the bed all night long till the morning then apparently her sister comes and sees micah's body calls the cops they come see katie insane and shoot her in the face, i dint know what the last ending is but they just had different endings so the creators can see which one to put on the DVD copy because people claimed that was the best ending.

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